Individuals addicted to drugs or alcohol are at risk of injury and death. It’s not just about you. It’s about your family, friends, and the people around you. You don’t have to be an addict to have an early intervention.
The earlier you seek addiction prevention programs, the more likely you will maintain recovery. Many people with addictions recover without treatment. But if they wait too long to get help, they may be unable to stop using drugs or alcohol on their own and may end up in situations that could cause them serious harm.
Benefits of Early Intervention Services
If your family member is dependent on drugs or alcohol, talk with them about getting help as early as possible. Helping your loved one now can save their life and improve their quality of life for years.
Early intervention is a critical part of recovery for people with a substance use disorder. That’s because it can help to prevent relapse and save lives.
Early intervention programs can also benefit individuals with other issues related to their addiction, such as co-occurring disorders like depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Early intervention NJ can help address these issues before they become full-blown addictions.
The earlier a person with addiction gets help, the more likely they will stay alive. The earlier they get help for their addiction, the better it will be for their recovery.
They can begin recovery today if they’re ready to make a change. There is hope for all individuals addicted to alcohol or drugs.
Why Do I Need An Intervention?
When someone in recovery from alcohol, drugs, or gambling addiction seeks help from a professional specializing in treating addictions, they will be referred to an alcohol and drug treatment center. The counselor will assess the patient’s situation and determine what kind of evidence-based treatment programs is best for them. It may be that the patient needs detoxification from alcohol first before entering into a residential program where they can receive further treatment. Or it may be that the patient needs intensive outpatient care at home before moving into a residential program.
The physician will also review the patient’s medical history and determine if any other problems could make him more vulnerable to substance misuse or other addictive habits. For example, some people have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism or substance dependency; if they have family members who have problems with alcohol and drugs, they may be more likely than others to develop an addiction. Other individuals may have succumbed to peer pressure.
Addiction is a chronic disease. Addiction is not something that you can get over like you can with a cold or the flu. It’s not a disease that will just run its course. It gets worse as time goes on. With addiction, it’s about learning to live with the disease and managing it daily.
How Can I Get Help for My Addiction?
- The first way to treat addiction is to recognize that you have one. Taking responsibility for your actions and circumstances surrounding your addiction rather than placing blame on others is another helpful way to pave the path toward recovery.
- Share with your family and friends about how you’ve been feeling lately. Disclose what your triggers are. Explain how you feel when exposed to certain people, places, or things. Do drugs and alcohol make you feel better or worse? How have your relationships with your family and friends changed since you began using substances? Consider if your physical health has been affected by using drugs or alcohol.
- Seek out support services and a support system. Perhaps a family member, friend, or colleague who’s experienced addiction; could also be an established support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or Al-Anon/Alateen. These organizations offer support groups that meet regularly throughout the week and include both.
How Can A Family Member Help Someone Struggling With Addiction?
If you have a family member struggling with addiction, you want to help them, but sometimes you’re afraid to start the conversation. You want to get them the help they need. But what if you knew that getting help early on in addiction could save their life? What if it was so easy to ask for and get? The New Jersey Department of Health offers programs that help to prevent substance use disorder.
You might be astounded at how many people don’t ask for help when needed. Lack of seeking help is especially true when it comes to addiction due to the stigma surrounding it. People are afraid of being judged or of fear what others will think of them if they admit they struggle with addiction.
No one is immune to addiction. The influence alcohol and drugs can have on a person differ for everyone. In contrast, one person may be able to have one drink occasionally. Another individual can’t stop drinking after having just one drink. There’s also no “correct” way to deal with it. If someone is struggling with addiction, simply asking for help can make all the difference in the world.
Please don’t wait until your family member is consumed by addiction to help them take that first step toward recovery. Please call us at +1 (877)-209-1600 or email us at We are here to help you discover your path toward recovery.