Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

There are a variety of treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction treatment NJ.


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According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, “In 2018, an estimated 164.8 million people aged 12 or older in the United States (60.2 percent) were past-month substance users (i.e., tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs)”. Sometimes, it becomes more challenging when an issue becomes less of a national crisis and becomes a personal one when the crisis hits home. Unfortunately, addiction has not been a stranger to individuals that reside in New Jersey. The geographic location of New Jersey, being close to the major metropolitan areas of Philadelphia and New York City, makes New Jersey a breeding ground for Drug and Alcohol addiction.

Substance Use Disorders in New Jersey


Alcohol is one of the 4th leading causes of preventable deaths throughout the world. It is a legal substance and socially approved as well. Alcohol is known to change a person’s behavior drastically. Incidences of aggression and violence are far more common among people under the influence of alcohol. When you become seriously dependent on a substance such as alcohol, the withdrawal can result in fatal seizures. Avatar Residential Detox offers one of the best Alcohol Addiction Treatment NJ.

Amphetamines and Methamphetamines

Amphetamines and Methamphetamines are stimulant drugs that release large amounts of dopamine. However, amphetamines and methamphetamines are different from cocaine. Amphetamine highs are usually longer acting. One dose of methamphetamine can keep an individual awake and high for several days.

Side effects of sleep deprivation can result in mental health issues such as psychosis and delusions. When you combine intense euphoria on top of sleep deprivation and mental instability, the result is not good.


Cocaine is a schedule II stimulant drug and creates a high potential for addiction. When an individual snorts, inhales, injects, or orally consumes cocaine, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream, and they receive a fast euphoric high. The high usually creates hyperactivity and increased talkativeness in the user. However, when the cocaine high tapers off, users often experience the opposite: they become lazy, unmotivated, and emotionally unstable.

Cocaine is a drug that can also be cooked down and turned into another addictive substance known as crack, a much more potent version of the drug. Crack has an even shorter-acting high; it produces more profound effects and leads to a much harsher comedown. In the mid-1980s, crack cocaine addiction presented the most significant addiction threat in New Jersey.

Since then, it appears society may have switched the focus of the war on drugs to opioids due to the increasing rate of heroin and opioid overdoses. However, that does not eliminate the consumption of crack cocaine or make it any less dangerous.


Opioids are another commonly used drug in NJ. Many people are surprised to learn that many opioid abusers were prescribed these drugs by a medical professional. Regardless of how the drugs are obtained, opioids are among the most physically addictive drugs. The individual quickly develops a tolerance to the high while losing sight of their self-control. According to data from the State of New Jersey Department of Health, in 2020, over 3,046 New Jersey residents died due to fatal overdoses.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment NJ

There are a variety of treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction in New Jersey. The most impactful and successful method that individuals can use to overcome addiction is rehab treatment in NJ.

There are many different types of rehab in NJ, but they all generally consist of therapy, group meetings, and counseling. The purpose of recovery is to help individuals develop the tools they need to enjoy their lives without drugs or alcohol.

Rehab facilities in NJ can roughly be separated into two categories: outpatient rehab and inpatient rehab. At our drug treatment center in NJ, each individual will require different services, and each program is designed to meet different needs.

Outpatient Rehab in New Jersey

Outpatient rehab in NJ are programs that are designed for individuals with mild to moderate addictions. Outpatient programs provide partial care addiction services. As an outpatient, you won’t have to reside at the facility beyond attending your meetings and counseling sessions. Outpatient treatment is designed with the intent for you to stay at your current residence and travel to and from the facility. Outpatient also allows you to attend work daily without the need to take substantial time off.

Outpatient rehab may appear to have several benefits. However, there are also some obvious drawbacks. When you are not at the rehab center in NJ, the only tools you will have will be your willpower and determination, preventing you from relapsing while you’re away from the facility. To sustain long-term recovery, you will need to modify your daily routine to avoid people, places, and things that may trigger a relapse.

However, suppose you don’t think self-discipline is the best way to maintain sobriety in the hours outside of the outpatient facility. In that case, you probably want to attend inpatient rehab in NJ. Outpatient rehab in NJ is an excellent transition after detox and inpatient recovery. At that point, you are genuinely committed to your recovery.

Inpatient Rehab in New Jersey

Inpatient rehab in NJ programs compared to outpatient rehabs in NJ have a completely different program design. It’s a much more intensive treatment option. It can provide short-term or long-term residential care. Once you begin the program, you will be residing at the facility until the program is complete. You will solely be focused on your recovery for the entire duration.
Inpatient rehab for drugs and inpatient alcohol treatment centers in NJ are residential treatment facilities for individuals suffering from substance use disorders and dual diagnoses. Individuals who choose inpatient programs would usually relapse if they attended outpatient programs or some individuals who have attempted outpatient and could not find success. Professional medical advice is always recommended.

Just like outpatient rehab in NJ, there are several benefits and drawbacks to this program. The most significant benefit is time. You’ll have an undivided amount of time to focus on your recovery. Each day you’ll wake up in preparation for building a new life in recovery. You will have scheduled group meetings and individual therapy sessions to provide you the tools to live a life of sobriety. In your downtime, you will be learning how to establish relationships with sober peers or engage in activities without using drugs.

There aren’t many drawbacks to inpatient rehabs in NJ. Inpatient rehab can generally last at least a month and could continue for several months. You will have to find a way to take a leave of absence from work or school to commit to your recovery.
Personal relationships will also need to be put on hold at this time. A patient navigator can assist you in developing a plan of action if you’re thinking about attending an inpatient program.

What to Expect at Residential Addiction Treatment Centers in NJ

Every drug rehab center in New Jersey and alcohol detox center in NJ offers unique programs and services. However, when searching for the best drug detox treatment center in New Jersey and the best alcohol rehab center, the general information below will still be helpful.

Therapy and Counseling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and individual or group counseling sessions are usually a consistent part of any treatment program. During each session, individuals gain the skills and techniques they need to return to a life of sobriety. Therapy and counseling sessions can vary depending on the treatment plan. An initial intake session is usually performed before the start of your rehab program.

Individual Therapy and Group Therapy sessions are designed to assist you in discussing and reflecting on your emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. During these sessions, you will reveal negative thoughts—triggers, and behavioral patterns that are causing you to cope with substances. Acknowledging the addiction is essential but also recognizing negative thoughts, motivations, and unhealthy habits is the best way to break away from the routine of addiction and work towards long-term recovery.

Support Group Meetings

A therapist, counselor, or a facilitator may lead group meetings, and sometimes the discussion is also led by a peer in recovery. When a therapist, counselor, or facilitator is present, they may select a specific group meeting focus to be discussed that day.

The purpose of group meetings is manifold. Group meetings are extremely beneficial since they allow you to connect with other individuals in recovery who are currently struggling with similar issues or have struggled with similar problems in the past. Both addiction and early recovery can be incredibly isolating, and it helps to know you are not alone in the battle.

Group Sessions are designed to help you share your past experiences and present fears, stressors, or general feelings with other people in recovery. In return, your peers can share their feelings, triggers, and experiences with you as well. Sometimes sharing during a group therapy session is more straightforward than speaking one-on-one with a therapist by yourself.

Aftercare Planning

Aftercare Planning is developing a plan for follow-up treatment after you leave your rehab program. Upon successful completion of a treatment program, the transition back into society as a sober individual begins, along with the struggles of maintaining your sobriety on your terms.

Aftercare Plans could consist of the following:

  • Sober Living Homes:

    New Jersey is home to several sober living homes. These homes were developed to help individuals who recently completed treatment programs transition into society while cohabitating with other individuals who share the same goal of maintaining long-term recovery.

  • Support Group Meetings:

    Search for drug and alcohol counseling services near me, or a list of times and locations of 12 Step meetings near your home or job will be a great resource. You can choose to attend daily, weekly, or as needed. You will also be able to obtain a sponsor who might help you through tricky times as well. Meetings will provide new friends equally committed to sobriety and open up the idea of other activities you can do sober.

  • Therapy Appointments:

    Either a few follow-up appointments with the therapist you were seeing at the inpatient or outpatient rehab program or a set of scheduled meetings with a referral therapist near your home or work. These appointments will assist you in following your recovery plan and help you discuss any stressors or triggers you may be feeling in early recovery.

  • Family and Friends Support:

    Having a solid support system from your family and friends outside your treatment program is essential. In early recovery, you will need as much understanding and support as you can get.

While addiction is no stranger to New Jersey, fortunately, neither is rehab in NJ. There are many options for addiction treatment in New Jersey. However, when searching for the best rehab in NJ, don’t hesitate to contact us at Avatar Alcohol & Drugs Recovery Center+1 (877)-209-1600. We customize all treatment programs to meet your needs.

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