
Vicodin Addiction Treatment at Avatar

Located in the Ramapo Mountains, Avatar Residential Detox is a premier rehabilitation center for Vicodin Addiction Treatment NJ. We integrate evidence-based treatments with alternative, holistic modalities to comprehensively treat all aspects of our client’s life.

About Our Treatment Center

Vicodin Addiction Treatment Program in NJ

Vicodin is a pain reliever used to change your perception of pain and your emotional response to it. It’s a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Vicodin has been found to impact the liver heavily, and it has caused liver damage and severe allergic reactions, which can also result in an overdose. Vicodin detox enables users to clear their bodies of the drug safely. Vicodin withdrawal is challenging and potentially even life-threatening, so detox must be done under expert medical supervision—time for withdrawal symptoms to start to differ from person to person. The Long-term and short-term use of Vicodin can cause withdrawal symptoms.

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Vicodin Abuse and Addiction

Vicodin is a prescribed narcotic used as a painkiller for managing moderate to severe pain after surgeries. It is a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Vicodin is likely to be misused by patients, which may later lead to physical dependence and addiction. Patients who struggle with Vicodin addiction experience addiction symptoms and mood swings. According to NSDUH – National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2013, more than 14% of adults aged between 18 and 25 illicitly used Vicodin. Being one of the best rehabilitation centers in New Jersey, Avatar offers professional detox and rehabilitation treatment conducive to amelioration. Vicodin consumption can cause liver damage.

Signs and Symptoms of Vicodin Withdrawal

Constant intake of Vicodin takes a toll on both the physical and emotional health of people. Quitting the addiction might generate several physical symptoms and side effects. Once you have developed a tolerance, withdrawal from Vicodin Addiction Treatment NJ has a wide range of symptoms, from mild to severe. Attempting to quit cold turkey without appropriate medical supervision is not advised and could be life-threatening. You should always consult a doctor or pharmacist regarding drug interactions if you plan to become pregnant or are making a change in your medication. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Chills
  • Confusion
  • Cramps
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mood Swings
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Runny Nose
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Breathing Problems

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Risk Factors

Some individuals experience a syndrome called PAWS or post-acute withdrawal syndrome. The condition can last for weeks or months, during which the individual suffers other withdrawal symptoms. This problematic condition makes detox psychologically challenging to get through and is more difficult when you can’t see an end in sight. Individuals who experience Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome should check into inpatient addiction treatment, where 24-hour medical staff and support are available to prevent relapse. Withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person due to several factors. Several factors These factors include:

History of Substance use disorder

Length of Addiction

If an individual only took the drug as prescribed for a short amount of time, withdrawal symptoms would be minimal, if at all. If an individual developed a tolerance for the drug or was actively addicted and took it for years, the withdrawal symptoms will be more severe.


When individuals develop a tolerance for Vicodin or other opioid pain medication, they must consume larger quantities of the drug to feel the same effects. Sometimes, even with prescribed use, the prescription may have specified a larger dose for medical reasons. When an individual stops taking the drug, they will begin to withdraw. Symptoms will worsen if the body becomes used to a large dosage of the drug, compared to minimal symptoms with smaller doses.


When a person suffers from Vicodin or opioid pain medication addiction, rather than just increased tolerance to the drug, the psychological compulsiveness involved in addiction will worsen withdrawal symptoms. An individual must overcome the psychological, as well as the physical, need to take the drug. This can also cause physical symptoms to feel more challenging to endure.

Method of Stopping Use

It is never recommended to quit any opioid medication, including Vicodin, cold turkey, without medical supervision or advice. Withdrawal symptoms will not only be more severe, but they can also be life-threatening. Avatar’s medically supervised detox is recommended to make the process more comfortable. In some instances, medication-assisted treatment is used to aid the withdrawal process and minimize symptoms and cravings. Medications like buprenorphine or methadone are often used to maintain long-term sobriety. The use of any drug is determined on an individual basis. Medically supervised detox followed with inpatient rehabilitation that includes cognitive behavioral therapy, specialty therapy, behavioral therapy, individual or group counseling, and aftercare planning will allow an individual to treat the addiction and the root cause of the addiction and maintain a life of long-term recovery.

Prescription Drugs Detox at Avatar

Our medically supervised detox treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and family counseling assist our clients in suppressing the compulsive urge to use drugs and alcohol. Family counseling allows family members to understand the importance of healthy communication. As a front-runner among the most sought-after addiction treatment centers in New Jersey, we offer holistic detox options and medically assisted treatment programs that include: using Methadone, Suboxone, Naloxone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone to minimize withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. Avatar’s Behavioral therapies like Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, relapse prevention training, family counseling, and individual treatment helps individuals begin their journey to sober living. Our expert panel of medical consultants and doctors helps set up a comfortable and relaxing environment that aids a natural and smooth recovery process.

Vicodin Detox Timeline

Please look at the detox timeline that gives you a brief account of our Vicodin detox center NJ program designed to break the chain of addiction.
Since Vicodin has a short half-life, patients will experience withdrawal symptoms, especially after 8 hours of the last dose. During the initial two days of treatment, these symptoms will continue.
During the first five days of treatment, individuals will experience diarrhea, chills, and nausea.
After about one week of Vicodin detox, symptoms will begin to subside. Patients with intense addiction might experience withdrawal symptoms for a more extended period.
Psychological support from our therapists, nurses, and other staff members, can assist clients during the detox program.
