Morphine Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

In 2018, an estimated 2 million people had an opioid use disorder, including prescription pain medication containing opiates and heroin. Morphine is considered to be a highly addictive drug since tolerance to it develops quickly. and morphine detox center NJ help you to recover from that. Morphine also runs a high risk of abuse because of its easy availability and relatively pleasurable effects.

About Morphine Addiction

What is Morphine Addiction?

Morphine is a schedule II prescription medication administered intravenously or by mouth in liquid or tablet form. Morphine belongs to the opioid drug class, initially derived from opium poppy seeds as a pain killer, is a highly addictive and habit-forming medication. When it was first introduced, it was considered a wonder drug. It eliminated pain and gave the user feelings of euphoria that left them in a dream-like state.

Morphine directly impacts the Central Nervous System (CNS) by blocking pain signals to the brain and relieves pain in individuals who consume it. It can be taken for chronic and acute pain and is frequently used to treat myocardial infarction and labor pain. However, even those who take Morphine as prescribed by a doctor can quickly develop a dependence, especially with prolonged use.


Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms, Signs, Detox & Treatment

Effects of Morphine on Your Body

Morphine works by binding itself to the opioid receptors present in the brain and nervous system. The drug alters the way the body responds to pain. As soon as the drug gets ingested, it’s absorbed into the bloodstream; then carried to organs throughout the body. This interaction obstructs pain and overwhelms the body with dopamine resulting in euphoria.

Common Street names for Morphine

In an effort to keep illicit drug use a secret from co-workers, parents, friends, and law enforcement, individuals utilize street names such as Dreamer, Emsel, First Line, God’s Drug, How’s, MS, Mister Blue, Morpho, Unkie, Miss Emma.

Looking for Signs of Morphine Abuse

Symptoms after consumption of Morphine include:

  • Feeling of Euphoria
  • Relief from intense pain
  • Reduced Anxiety
  • False sense of well-being
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Relaxed or peaceful feeling

Morphine abuse or dependence on Morphine is when someone uses this drug without a prescription and negatively impacts their health and life. Individuals who use Morphine in high doses place themselves at risk of overdosing. It is essential to seek morphine addiction treatment in NJ if you are struggling with addiction.

Signs of a Morphine Overdose

A person overdosing on Morphine may show the following signs:

  • Extreme sleepiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness
  • Inability to pay attention or concentrate on work
  • Fever
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Swelling of face
  • Drug cravings

These are some of the common side effects of a morphine overdose. Naloxone is often used to treat morphine overdose and help restore normal breathing.
Contact Avatar’s treatment center immediately to help overcome your Morphine addiction.

Signs and Symptoms

How do you identify a Morphine Addiction?

Especially with a drug like Morphine, substance use disorders can be easily detected early on. Warning signs are revealed through a person’s mood (mood swings), behavior, and physical appearance. Once individuals develop a tolerance, they will experience withdrawal symptoms when they don’t consume Morphine, making it difficult to quit. In most cases, the psychological dependence on Morphine develops shortly after the physical one. Medically managed detoxification is the safest way to remove Morphine from the body and increase the chances of recovery without relapse.

Some of the behavioral warning signs of Morphine Addiction:

Morphine dependence or Opioid dependence can manifest the following behavioral warnings:

  • Changes in the behavior/personality of an individual
  • Mood Swings
  • Relationship problems with peers, family members, colleagues, loved ones
  • Changes in pupil size, dilated pupils, dilated eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Lack of concentration

Severe physiological signs for Morphine Overdose:

  • Bluish fingernails and lips
  • Constipation
  • Slow breathing
  • Possible Seizures
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slowed pulse, or even coma
  • Extreme laziness or sleepiness

Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms

You can’t suddenly stop taking Morphine if you’ve been using it for a while. Withdrawal effects can be severe. Here are some symptoms of morphine withdrawal:

  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramping
  • Depression
  • Body aches
  • Lack of concentration

Opioid withdrawal can be very uncomfortable and challenging for the client. Opioid withdrawal is not usually life-threatening. However, people can and do die from opioid withdrawal. These deaths can be preventable provided the appropriate medically supervised detox at our morphine detox center NJ.

How does Morphine Abuse Happen?

Morphine can be administered in several ways: through an injection, by mouth, intravenously, injection into the space around the spinal cord, or rectally. This drug’s maximum effect is potentially seen after 20 minutes when administered through the intravenous system and 60 minutes when administered by mouth. The duration of the product remains for 3-7 hours.

If an individual administers Morphine for an extended period to reduce acute or chronic pain, there are chances the individual might encounter an addiction.

High doses of Morphine are administered for maintenance of pain to overcome the tolerance levels, resulting in several significant impacts like respiratory problems, withdrawal symptoms, and risk of relapse.
Evidence shows that oxidative stress is involved in addiction development, which happens with several addictive drugs like heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and Morphine. Morphine can activate opioid receptors, and its treatment will decrease antioxidants’ activity in the target cells. Morphine produces a sensation of happiness or a dream-like condition. It is often also called God’s Drug.

Tapering Off Opioids: When and How?

When opioids are prescribed for acute pain, weaning often happens within one to four weeks of the injury, depending on the injury type.

When you have chronic pain and are on a high-dose opioid medication, your pain level isn’t improving with that medication. That’s when to begin tapering down the dose or completely tapering off the drug.

At Avatar Residential Detox Center, we make sure our patients undergo a safe and effective detox under the supervision of our addiction experts to help overcome Morphine addiction. We value your safety and want you to lead an addiction-free life.


Morphine Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

In 2018, more than 5,300 New Jersey residents sought help for stopping non-heroin opioid addiction like addiction to Morphine. At Avatar Morphine Addiction Treatment Program in NJ, we provide a range of drug detox treatments, specialty therapies, and customizable treatment plans to help clients alleviate their withdrawal symptoms and place them on the path to an addiction-free life.

Inpatient Detox Treatment

At our Morphine Detox Center NJ, we precisely customize our inpatient treatment programs or inpatient detox programs based on each client’s needs. Detoxification is always our first step towards a client’s recovery. The clients stay at our facility with all the amenities our trusted medical professionals provide. Our medical detox program prevents clients from any distractions whatsoever and diminishes the potential for drug addiction relapse.

Medication-assisted Detox

We offer opioid detox treatment at Avatar Residential Detox Center, NJ. We have medications provided to the clients depending on the level of dependence on Morphine or the severity of substance use. The team of medical professionals at Avatar drug treatment facilities NJ discusses various medication combinations to ward off morphine withdrawal symptoms from your system and assist you in maintaining sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis

Many individuals who suffer from morphine addiction or abuse are also masking mental illnesses like Anxiety, Depression, OCD, and PTSD. Our dual diagnosis program addresses both concerns of morphine addiction and mental health issues.

Aftercare planning

At Avatar, once the rehab portion is complete, we conduct aftercare sessions with our patients. Your aftercare plan may include regular support group meetings. Avatar’s medical professionals develop the most suitable and personalized aftercare plans based on the client’s unique needs to combat morphine abuse.

Avatar Residential Detox Center accepts most insurance plans such as Molina, BlueCross BlueShield, Aetna, CareFirst, Anthem Health, and more.

We can easily verify your insurance coverage. Insurance coverage varies from one person and one plan to the next. However, as one of the best rehab facilities, count on getting the care you need here. Coverage is usually available for most of our services, including detox, residential treatment, outpatient treatment, and medication-assisted treatment. Avatar also offers customized flexible self-pay options for all our treatments.

For our patients who can not drive to the location, we offer door-to-door pickup and drop services.

Get the support you need from a team that cares. Each of our programs is customized to support the individual needs of our patients. Whether it’s detox, inpatient, or aftercare, treatment will address not only the addiction but any co-occurring illnesses.